Note to Self
September 7–October 19, 2019
Five Car Garage
Los Angeles
Linn’s remarks from the exhibition announcement:
Showing this work feels like taking my clothes off in public.
It is a departure from my prevailing body of work as a site-responsive installation artist and sculptor.
I’d just turned fifty and was feeling especially raw. Hormones were starting their retreat from my body, causing painful discourse that was wreaking havoc on my well-being. The demons’ voices were out of control.
Trying to make sense of it all, I realized that the demons are me and the words they are saying so loudly to me, are my words to myself. I found that I could acknowledge these words, feel this “painful desire” and dive into it because it is mine and it is ok to feel it.
I discovered that I can break walls, as I am the one who put them up. I am the one who can sweep myself of my feet. I am not ordinary. I can feel doubt as part of the creative process without letting it paralyze me. I can acknowledge my journey and my accomplishments out loud and in writing. I can release these traps of negativity because I’ve been creating them all along.
note to self is an ode to joy, fear, magic, doubt, self-esteem, darkness and discovery, and a realization that it is impossible to have one without the other.
Note To Self, Galia Linn, 2019. Five Car Garage, Santa Monica, CA. Installation view.
Note To Self, Galia Linn, 2019. Five Car Garage, Santa Monica, CA. Installation view.
I am not afraid of you, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0399
I am not ordinary, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0402
Painful Desire, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0398
I will break your walls, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0402
Your doubt is not going to stop me, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0400
Sweep me off my feet, Galia Linn, 2016. Oil paint and hydrocal on canvas, 74 x 33 inches. GL-0403